Genre: Documentary

Length: 52’

Format Digi Beta

Screen Ratio: 4:3

Colour: Colour

Sound: Stereo

Dialogue: Russian

Subtitles: English

Voice Over: French

Country: Latvia – France

Delegate Producer: DEVIŅI (Latvia)

Co-Producer: ODYSSEUS (France)

Year of Production: 2006

How does the “brains” of the Soviet regime, an academician, the “father” of hydrogen bomb, an outstanding intellectual for whom even in the Kremlin all the doors were open can become an irreconcilable champion of human rights and prisoners of conscience and an internationally renown enemy of this system? The film My Husband Andrey Sakharov answers to this question in an intriguing yet subdued, even intimate form – by confronting the views of the witnesses of those times and Sakharov’s colleagues. His widow Yelena Bonner and the last secretary general of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev are two brightest participants of this indirect debate in the film, which not only by presenting facts and their interpretations and forceful poeticism of the documentary footage makes one think about the games of power and guarantees of human freedom that is a topical theme not only in Russia.

Director Ināra Kolmane

Script: Ināra Kolmane

Camera: Aivars Kalniņš

Composer: Alexei Aigui

Sound:Olivier Lafuma

Editing: Katya Chelli

Film’s previous participation in Festivals:

2007 FIPA, Biarritz, France

2007 Premiers Plans Festival D’Angers

2007 DOCUPOINT, Finland

2007 Chicago Documentary Film Festival, Chicago, USA (competition)

2007 DetectiveFest, Moscow, Russia (competition, received Special Jury Prize)                                                                                                            

2007 Parnu International Film Festival (Special Jury Prize)

2007  Lato Film Festival, Torun, Polija

2007 Baltijas dokumentālo filmu simpozījs, Rīga, Latvija

2007 DOCS NZ, New Zealand

2007 Lielais Kristaps, Latvia (Awards: best documentary)

2007 Valladolid International Film Festival, Spain (nominee: best documentary         “Time of History” )

2007 “Baltic Film Festival”, Germany

2007 Nordic Filmdays in Luebeck, Germany

2007 “INPUT”, Russia

2007 STALKER International Film Festival, Russia

2007 Festival of Liberties, Belgium

2007 7th WATCH DOCS. Human Rights in Film International Film Festival, Warsaw, Poland

2008 Celtic Media Festival, Galway, Ireland

2008 East Silver exclusive selection at DOK.LEIPZIG, Leipzig, Germany

2008  10th annual One World – International Human Rights Documentary Film 

                   Festival, Prague, Czech Republic

2008 Jewish Eye Film festival”,

2008 Human Rights Film Festival “Ad Hoc: Inconvenient Films”, Vilnius,Lithuania

2008            Document 6 International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival,

                    Glasgow, Scotland

2008 One World” International Human Rights Film Festival, Pristina, Kosovo

2008            1001 Documentary Film Festival, Istanbul, Turkey

Production Company


Jānis Juhņēvičs & Imants Mozers

Smerla 3, office 326, LV -1006, Riga, Latvia,
Tel./Fax. +371 67241688
e-mail: - Home

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Design and sequence © Gilde film studio, 1998