Abrams Kleckins (Klockins)
1957 Graduated from the Latvia University
Abram Kleckin
Film Critic
Work Experience:
1977 up to now Scientific leader of the International Documentary Symposiums
1973 up to now Lecturer, PhD of the Department of Communication Studies and Journalism, Latvia University
Scientific work in the fields of communication sciences, social administration, culturology and theory of documentary filmmaking
1959 - 1973 Chief of Editorial Department, newspaper "Padomju Jaunatne"
1958 Journalist, newspaper of Riga Electrical Equipment Factory
1957 Teacher at Auce Secondary School

Expert at the Soros Foundation Latvia
Chairman of the Human Rights and Ethnic Harmony Committee (up to February 2001)
Soros Foundation Latvia award for Ethnic Harmony (1997)

Specialisation of the scientific work:
mass communication of the society in transition; theory of communication science; communication in the system of social administration; visual communication and journalism in filmmaking; culture as communication.

Participation in the scietific projects (outside LU):
Scientific leader of the European Documentary Film Symposiums; expert in the investigative work "Latvia – on the Road to Civil Society"; scientific leader of the research group on "Hebrews in the Culture of Latvia"; project leader at the International Research Centre "Hebrews in the Changing World".

Languages: Latvian, Russian, German, Hebrew

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Design and sequence © Gilde film studio, 1998