Director Brigita Eglite
In Production:
The Only Photograph
52', Fiction, 2008, HDV, colour,STEREO

Opening scene of the film gives a brief introduction to the present time in a short and rhytmic clip-like style. Visual characteristics of the present time – show-windows, urban environment, people and architecture, streams of traffic – it all leads to an almost symbolic situation in a contemporary city. A traffic jam imitating the standstill of tide gives a reason for travelling time through a flowing stream of sand in a hourglass, and to land back in 1918 when the Republic of Latvia was established.

The well-known historic fact is delivered through a chain of very concrete kitchen-sink stories in a limited period of time – starting November 17th night and ending November 18th. The plot is based upon the preparation for the solemn ceremony, i.e. its off-stage events, as well as upon its most important part – proclamation of the state.

The undercover session where the Popular council (de jure proclaimer of the state) was established, implication of German forces into guards of the proclamation, and the event itself, with several specific features and misunderstandings in the course of events.

The serious theme of the film is not a nuisance for depicting the course of events in an attractive and viusally unconstrained way, letting diverse periods of history collide and meld not only to show bare facts, but also the very essences of events.

Over one night and half a day a handful of people – artist Jānis Kuga and his spouse, politicians Gustavs Zemgals, Kārlis Ulmanis, Valdemārs Zāmuels and some other helpmates, in a sorely complicate social, economic and political situation, taking advantage of the time of misrule, materialized the long-nursed idea of independance.

Film bears the title The Only Photograph, hence allowing the fact to be generalized and metaphorized as the only motherland, country and home, which is shown at the end of the film – through a hourglass back into the present time.

Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Latvia, Tēvijas Sargs, Riga City Council, Energoremonts Rīga Ltd., Joint-stock Company Energofirma Jauda, Latvijas Mobilais Telefons Ltd., Joint-stock Company Latvenergo, Latvijas Avīze, Hercs Flora Ltd., Ministry of Health of the Republic of Latvia, Medical Professional Education Centre, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Latvia, Auto Group Baltic Ltd., Small Guild Hall „Mazā Ģilde”, Latvian Academy of Culture, Latvia National Theatre, Saeima of the Republic of Latvia, Film studio „Ģilde”, Dr.J.Ģiļa privātklīnika, Latvijas Fotogrāfijas muzejs , VA Rīgas vēstures un kuģniecības muzejs, LU Bioloģijas fakultāte, „Lido” atpūtas centrs, SIA SIA „Baltkom TV SIA” , AS „Rīgas kinostudija”, SIA „Kreps”, Rīgas Centralais Terminals, Latvijas Darba devēju konfederācija. SIA „Latvija Statoil” - Home

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Design and sequence © Gilde film studio, 1998